Modelmetry Changelog

This page documents the changes to Modelmetry. We are constantly improving the platform, and we want to keep you updated on what's new.

  • July 12, 2024

    • feature

      Custom Role-Based Access Control

      Administrators can now create, update, and remove custom roles. Until today, you could only use one of the three standard roles: member, administrator, and owner.

      With custom roles, you can hand-pick which actions you want to explicitly allow or deny, or leave unset (i.e., implicitly deny).

  • June 30, 2024

    • improvement

      View evaluator metrics

      When you are looking to create a new evaluator instance, you can now view the evaluator's metrics. This will help you to understand the evaluator's capabilities and limitations.

  • June 16, 2024

    • improvement

      Quick search for findings charts

      You can now quickly search for metrics charts by their name. This will help you to quickly find the chart you are interested in.

  • June 7, 2024

    • improvement

      Filter guardrail calls

      You can now filter guardrail calls by their date, guardrail, outcome, and metrics (numeric findings). This will help you to quickly find the guardrail calls you are interested in.

  • June 5, 2024

    • improvement

      Filter evaluators by category (+ text search)

      When you are looking to create a new evaluator instance, you can now browse our list of evaluators using categories or search them by text.

      The text search will look at the evaluator's name, description, and metrics, when checking whether it is relevant or not.

  • June 3, 2024

    • improvement

      Filter API keys by status

      In the Settings's API keys page, you can now quickly filter the table by api key status. You can view them all, or filter by enabled, disabled, and revoked statuses.

  • June 1, 2024

    • improvement

      Update display name and email

      You can now update your display name and email address. This will help you to keep your profile up-to-date. We will add further profile controls in due time.